determination of heavy metals content in agricultural crops according to government directive (fruits, vegetables, cereals, seeds, any other kind of food or raw material)
morphine determination in poppy products
aflatoxin analysis (peanuts, spices, soy, corn and their products)
beverage analysis (determination of ethanol, methanol, phtalates, ethylcarbamate, sugar or metals)
determination of ethanol quality in extent of legal directive
basic analysis of destilates (ethanol, methanol, isopropanol) – birth certificate
determination of basic sugars (glucose, fructose, saccharose) and inulin in plant materials
oil content in seeds
number of acidity of fats and oils
refraction index of fruit juices (sugar content)
fiber content
microbiological analysis of food and beverages including control of production spaces (coliform bacteria, E. Coli, staphylococus, enterobacteria, yeast and molds, total amount of microorganisms, Bacillus cereus, etc.)
further analysis upon agreement (according to legislature, national norms or methods supplied by client)