Expert Studies and Opinions

Dispersion Studies

Situations in the affected area are predicated by model calculations during the territorial preparation, construction and plan operation. The outcome is an evaluation in tabular and graphical form, comparison with the set limits, and assessment including a proposal of any technical or organizational measures. A range of influence within a territory (or within a population) is clearly presented using the graphical outputs (isolines).
Presentation of calculated values in the form of isolines

  • dispersion studies to permit the placement of sources
  • dispersion studies in the evaluation of environmental impacts
  • dispersion studies for cities, districts and municipalities
  • presentation of calculated values in tabular and graphical form

EMPLA AG Ltd. in Hradec Králové is the holder of the authorization for the preparation of dispersion studies.

Expert Opinions

An expert opinion is a tool which evaluates a stationary source of air pollution from the technological and ecological perspectives. There is described in details a proposed technology, technic data of a source, an equipment to reduce emissions, and a quantification of emissions of pollutants.
In a connection with the Clean Air Act, as amended, a preparation of the expert opinion is required by the relevant Regional Office for:

  • permit to place the stationary air pollution sources
  • permit to operate the stationary air pollution sources
  • changes in stationary air pollution sources
  • permit for intentions to introduce new technologies with an impact on the air
  • permit to produce of equipment, materials and products that pollute or can pollute the air
  • permit to produce new technologies, products and equipment used for the air protection including technical operating conditions and drafts of the operational rules of a manufacturer

EMPLA AG Ltd. in Hradec Králové is the holder of the authorization for the preparation of expert opinions.

Assessment of health risks and impacts on public health (Health Risk Assessment, Health Impact Assessment)

The aim is to assess the seriousness of a situation where people are exposed to harmful environmental factors. In particular, in the case of substances without the set limit values, it is practically the only one way to assess whether the levels of pollutant concentrations fall into a socially acceptable level (i.e. the acceptable degree of health risk).
The basis to assess health risks and impacts on public health in a given area may be the results of measurement of air pollution situation (or noise pollution), or model calculations (dispersion or noise studies) in the case of deciding on the suitability of a location in the frame of the planned project.

Surveys and assessment in the nature protection

  • assessment of natural, cultural and historical characteristics of the landscape, preparation of principles of the landscape protection including the identification of the dominant features, relationships and a scale of the landscape in the interested area;
  • biological survey of the interested area, assessment of the impact of the plan on specially protected species of animals and plants, system elements of the ecological stability, biodiversity, structure and function of ecosystems;
  • assessment of the impact of plans and concepts on habitats and species of the European significant locations and bird areas.

Feasibility Studies

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