Laboratory is part of accredited subject Ekologické laboratoře EMPLA = accredited testing laboratory No. 1110. Laboratory is accredited by ČIA o.p.s. in accordance with requirements ČSN EN ISO/IEC 17025:2005. At the same time fulfils the requirements for periodic measurements of emissions according to ČSN P CEN/TS 15675:2009 for selected tests (accreditation of methods of sampling and emission analysis is a necessary prerequisite for acquirement of MŽP authorisation). Extent of accreditation derives from the accreditation certifiate.
Laboratory is also a holder of MŽP certification about Good Laborratory Praxis (GLP) and is included in national programme SLP (valid for "Ecotoxicity on water and terrestrial organisms")
Laboratory is holder of ÚKZÚZ certification for soil sampling and analysis for the purpose of agrchemical testing of soils and analysis of soils on plots determined for use of sewage.
In order to secure laboratory services, our laboratory has many other permitions and licenses:
Laboratory performes analysis of various types of waters, soils, earths, wastes, sediments, sewage, air, imission, emission (waste gases), working environment, food, technical and biological materials etc.
The work is not always connected just to purely chemical analysis, but also to determination of biological degradability (important in detergents, washing powders), determination of ecotoxicity of waste leachates, chemicals in accordance with new european legislation REACH, microbiological analysis etc.
April 3, 2025
April 30, 2025
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