By means of model equations there are predicted situations in specific place during preparation of site, construction and facility operation. Result is evaluation in tabular and graphic form, comparation with set limits and judgement, including proposal of eventual technical or organisational measures. By means of graphic outputs (isolines) the extent of influence within a given area is presented (eventually within a population).
Company EMPLA AG s.r.o. Hradec Králové is authorized to create dispersal studies
Expert report is an instrument, that evaluates stationary source of air polllution from technological-ecological point of view. There is thoroughly described proposed technology, technical data of the source, device for emission reduction and determination of value of harmful substances emissions.
In respect to the law of air protection, the expert report is required by regional administrative institutions for:
Company EMPLA AG s.r.o. Hradec Králové is authorized to create expert reports
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