EMPLA spol. s r.o. was founded in 1991 and it deals with research, development and technology implementation for environmental and health protection. The company owns modernly equipped ecological laboratories No. 1110 with equipment, accredited by national authority CIA according to the standard CSN EN ISO/EC 17025.
Within frame of better quality and extension of our exological services all activities of Empla spol. s r.o. company have been transfered to new company EMPLA AG spol. s r.o. since 1st June 2009. This company offer services to the full extent.
Expert seminars and courses are still organized by EMPLA spol. s r. o.
In the field of environmental protection, the company belongs to the forefront workplaces not only in the Czech Republic, but it managed to reach a good name also in European Union and in overseas. EMPLA AG is the only company in the Czech Republic, which provide such complex ecological services.
April 3, 2025
April 30, 2025
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